Friday, September 2, 2022

Coffee Review: Presenting "Black And Bold" Cold Brew Coffee in a can, from High Brew Coffee

Greetings, one and all wanderers through the Web!
I'm experimenting with what sort of content I can post, mostly to see what topics really appeal.
Today, it's a voice-over sample of myself sampling some pre-made coffee. Basically, I can't drink most 'drip-brew' coffees because of the high acidity. Makes the stuff taste like ashes mixed with acid in hot water; it's three... three.. THREE kinds of pain in one to my mouth. And I have no particular desire to court diabetes, so I want to go easy on the sugar. So I'll have a recurring, if irregular, set of reviews on coffees either processed at the roastery to reduce the acidity, or brewed with methods to do the same.
The coffee in question comes from a company operating out of Austin, Texas. Skip on over to their page, link below, for more about them.
 As far as the coffee itself goes, here's a recording of first impressions, delivered in my 'dulcet tones':

High Brew Coffee Company's "Black And Bold" Cold Brew

It's definitely a work in progress. So, by all means, let me know in the comments what kinds of information you want to hear, suggestions on what to do differently, or even other coffees you want me to try!
(I'm still building up the courage to show my mug on-camera, though. Pictures may come later... Video will take a while longer. But thanks for any words of support!)

What is the High Brew Coffee Co.?

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